Coast characters

Johnny Currie

Meet Johnny Currie a Coaster. Johnny lives in a bush hut on his property that was originally built more than fifty years ago. There’s no electricity or other modern aids. Instead, a huge wood fire provides heat and food, as well as the warmest welcome.

Johnny talks about the colourful history of the property and his almost religious conversion from clear-felling bushman to protector of the forest. With the savvy to overcome the nuances of Mother Nature and the weather gods over a lifetime, he paints a vivid picture of what bush life and living in a tin hut can be.

Many thanks Johnny you are an inspiration for so many reasons.

You need to organise well in advance if you would like to visit Johnny by calling Mickey or Doreen Ryan on 0800-688937. Johnny does not have phones or them internet things, but will give you a rich Coast welcome.

Johnny Currie