of words, pictures and the arts

Delivering the Thursday Poem with Mark Raffills

Grey days – farewelling our fathers

In the natural order of things – and in the not so natural order of things – we all farewell our fathers. At that point, we are left to fill the space and take our place in the place he once stood. It is how it works.

The Thursday Poem24 September 2020Grey days: farewelling our fathersIn the natural order of things – and in the not so natural order of things – we all farewell our fathers. At that point, we are left to fill the space and take our place in the place he once stood. It is how it works. But even so, years after his passing, the desire to feel his arm around our shoulder or to hear an encouraging word, remains strong. I first wrote this poem for my good friend David W. Here it is again for all of us who have farewelled our fathers. Dr Jeff Obadiah Simmonds made the video. Words below.Grey days: farewelling our fathersThese are the grey days of farewell and departure;that they befall us all, there can be little doubt,but still, such knowledge cannot keep at baythe dark, encroaching chill that withthe shallow moon holds sway.These are the solitary days of silence and fearthat forge themselves like steel barsacross our hearts that break to feel that armaround our shoulder one last time,there, keeping us from harm.These are the hollow days of loneliness and lossthat stalk the unknown ways and blanketunsure paths in threads of swirling mistthat cover glade and forest heartand fill the spaces that we miss.Mark Raffills

Posted by Mark Raffills on Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Delivering the Thursday Poem with Mark Raffills